Jävla skitsystem!

Hur en usel digital arbetsmiljö stressar oss på jobbet – och hur vi kan ta tillbaka kontrollen

”it made users want to use the devices
as they had never been used before”

Publicerad 6 oktober 2011 | Inga kommentarer ännu

”The quality I especially revered in him was his refusal to show contempt for his customers by fobbing them off with something that was ’good enough’. Whether it was the packaging, the cabling, the use of screen space, the human interfaces, the colours, the flow, the feel, the graphical or textural features, everything had to be improved upon and improved upon until it was, to use the favourite phrase of the early Mac pioneers ’insanely great’. It had to be so cool that you gasped. It had to feel good in the hand, look good to the eye and it had to change things.

It changed things because it made users want to use the devices as they had never been used before. As I used to say of the Mac in the early days, ’it makes me jump out of bed early to start work’. People may not think so but I’m as lazy as can be, and the creative, human-based implementation of technology in such a way as to encourage labour and thereby invigorate innovation and change is a remarkable achievement in so potentially dull a sector as computing.”
Stephen Fry: Steve Jobs, 6 okt 2011


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    Jonas Söderström
    Jonas Söderström
    Tel: 0760-47 58 47
    Mejl: jonas@kornet.nu
  • Om boken

    “Jävla skitsystem!” är den första boken på svenska – och så vitt känt i världen - som tar upp problemen med dåliga datasystem ur ett konsekvent arbetsmiljöperspektiv. Usla datasystem gör oss frusterade, arga, stressade på jobbet. Ändå är det vanligt att användarna tar på sig skulden - och inte ser att det egentligen är de usla systemen som behöver förändras. Den här boken hjälper dig att känna igen hur datasystemen stressar - och hur vi kan försöka börja ta tillbaka kontrollen.
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